Uhuru Membership
On behalf of the Uhuru Quilters Guild, I would like to personally invite you to join our group of quilters who enjoy each other’s fiber art. If you are a new member, I welcome you. We seek to promote the work and accomplishments of African American quilters and to preserve the traditions, culture, and history of quilting. Our motto is “Each One Teach One.” The guild welcomes all those who are interested in quilts and quilting and we have numerous speakers, workshops and exhibits, as well as exciting activities and events planned for the coming year.
Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm in Leeland Hall of Saint Barnabas Episcopal Anglican Church, 14111 Oak Grove Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, unless otherwise noted. Each meeting includes show and tell, door prizes, workshops, and lively discussions of issues relevant to the quilt world in general, and Uhuru in particular. All are welcome, as we have members of all quilting levels. Come, share, learn, enjoy!
We are always looking for help on various committees. If you are a new member, you may view a list of our committees and responsibilities; then feel free to contact the committee chairs about any you are interested in joining. On the Resource Page in the Members Only section, look for this document: “Committee Procedures”.
Welcome again! We look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any membership questions, please contact me any time. If you would like an updated copy of the roster, please email me, Miz_mack@comcast.net .
I'm In Stitches,
Pat McInnis
Chair, Membership Committee
2025 Dues
Yearly membership is $30. It is that time of year, again... Uhuru Membership dues renewal for 2025. Annual dues of $30.00 are due in January 2025 to renew your membership with Uhuru. The grace period to receive your 2025 dues will end on March 31, 2025. For those of you who have renewed, thank you for renewing your membership! The Uhuru password to the members only page will change again and will be provided to paying members via email the first week in April 2025. Please check your email box for the new password and do not share the new password.
2025 Membership Form
Membership Requirements
As a member of Uhuru Quilters, you are required to do the following:
Participate in the work of one major event that the guild sponsors (quilt show, quilt retreat, quilt exhibit, etc.)
Participate in the work of the guild (raffle quilt, service project, serve on guild committees, etc.)
Be active in some aspect of the art, heritage and preservation of quilting.
Quilter’s Etiquette
Several guild members have offered the following etiquette tips in the interests of great morale and camaraderie:
Assume that the cutting mat, rotary cutter, iron, etc. are personal property. Ask before you use.
Many quilters have specific scissors or rotary cutters for cutting paper and specific ones for cutting fabric. If you need to borrow, explain your purpose.
Table space and outlets may be at a minimum. Add a power strip and/or extension cord to your basic sewing kit. Be respectful and share.
Ask before touching another quilter’s work. If you have been eating or have a plate of food, put the food away and clean your hands before using someone else's equipment.
During Show & Tell, be mindful of those seated behind you. They too would like to see. A camera does not give you license to block another’s view.
When pressing without an ironing board, make sure the surface is protected by a heat-resistant pad to avoid property damage.
If you wish to talk during the workshop or business meeting, keep your conversation low so the speaker can be heard, or step outside the meeting room.
Offer critiques of another quilter’s work only if asked. The purpose of Show & Tell is not only to share what we've done, but also to encourage each other’s efforts along the creative path.
If you are volunteering to work on a group quilting project, be prepared to have your work evaluated. Some of the exhibits we will produce may be juried. Only a few quilts may be selected for display. Criteria for selection may include techniques used (machine work, hand quilting, beading, etc.); execution (quilt hangs straight, quilting stitches are even, etc.) or theme/style (traditional, contemporary, sisterhood, etc.)
Guild membership does not grant you the authority to act as an agent or representative of Uhuru unless you are an elected officer. Uhuru's property, including the membership roster and logo, is intended to promote fellowship and camaraderie among members and should not be used for personal gain. The distribution of non-quilting-related materials or information, or usage by non-members, requires approval from the Officers of the Guild.